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Monday - Friday (8:30 am to 5:00 pm)


(904) 823-2238

Toll Free: (888) 960-2959

Fax: (904) 823-2249

4455 Avenue A, Suite 101

St. Augustine, Florida 32095

Financial Disclosure

Where can I find general information about filing financial disclosures?

You can find information about financial disclosures in the Florida Commission on Ethics publication called "A Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics".

If you would like more information about financial disclosure laws, the Florida Commission on Ethics' rules on financial disclosures, or opinions and orders regarding the financial disclosure law, you can visit the
Florida Commission on Ethics website.

For assistance or questions dealing with financial disclosures, you should contact the Florida Commission on Ethics Financial Disclosure Coordinator at 850-488-7864.

Where do I obtain financial disclosure forms?

The Florida Commission on Ethics website is where you will find a list of the forms necessary to file the disclosures required by the ethics laws. From that page you can access any forms you may need, read descriptions of who has to file which forms, what deadlines may apply, and what information must be reported. Here you will also be able to look up the coordinator for any State or local government agency.

Form 1 and Form 6 Filing

Both Form 1 and Form 6 filers will complete their 2024 financial disclosures in 2025 online through the Commission on Ethics Electronic Financial Disclosure Management System.

In 2026, Candidates will need to complete their disclosure online before qualifying.

Contact Your Elections Office

Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.

Disclaimer: This contact box is not for public records requests. To make a public records request, please see the Public Records Requests page.

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