Office Hours

Monday - Friday (8:30 am to 5:00 pm)


(904) 823-2238

Toll Free: (888) 960-2959

Fax: (904) 823-2249

4455 Avenue A, Suite 101

St. Augustine, Florida 32095

Register To Vote &

Update Your Record

Florida Online Voter Registration Application

Use the Florida Online Voter Registration Application to register to vote for the first time in Florida, change your address within Florida, request a voter information card, or change your party affiliation.

Voter Registration closes 29 days prior to each election. In order to be eligible to vote in an election, you must be registered prior to the registration deadline.

Register to Vote Online

Print Form

You may apply for voter registration by submitting a Florida Voter Registration Application (English), (Español) to your Supervisor of Elections Office. Registration forms are available on our website, at any Elections office, driver license office, public libraries, public assistance agencies (HRS), armed forces recruitment offices, and government offices including:

You may also call our office at (904) 823-2238 for an application to be mailed to you.

Moved Away?

If you are a St. Johns County voter who has moved your legal residence to a location outside of Florida or you want to be removed from the Florida voting rolls, please complete the Cancellation of Voter Registration Form (Word), (PDF).

You must sign the cancellation form by hand. Electronic signatures cannot be accepted.

Return by:

Email: [email protected]

Attach the form with your information and signature.

Fax: 904-823-2249

Mail: 4455 Avenue A, Suite 101

St. Augustine, FL 32095

Who Can Register to Vote

To register to vote in Florida, you must:

  • Be a United States citizen.
  • Be a Florida resident.
  • Be at least 18 years old. (You may pre-register if you are 16 years of age, and you will be able to vote in any election on or after your 18th birthday.)
  • Not currently adjudicated mentally incapacitated, with respect to voting in Florida, or any other state.
  • Not have been convicted of a felony in Florida without your civil rights having been restored.
  • Not claim the right to vote in another state.
Voter Residency Guide

Signature Updates

If your signature has changed, we request that you update your signature on file with the Elections Office. Your signature is used to verify your vote-by-mail ballot, candidate and initiative petitions, and other documents. Signature updates can be made at any time, but must be received before vote-by-mail ballots are canvassed in order to be accepted for an election. (F.S. 98.077)

Return your completed application by mail or in person to the Supervisor of Elections Office:

4455 Avenue A, Suite 101

St. Augustine, FL 32095

Public Records Exemption

If you are a victim of domestic violence, stalking or aggravated stalking and participate in the Attorney General’s Address Confidentiality Program, your voter registration information will be protected from public disclosure. See sections 741.401 through §741.465, Fla. Stat. For further details, contact the Bureau of Advocacy and Grants Management in the Florida Office of the Attorney General at (850) 414-3300.

Additionally, if you are a member of one of the high-risk professional classes (e.g., law enforcement, judge, prosecutor, firefighter, human resource officer, or a service member who served in armed forces, reserve forces, and National Guard after 9/11/2001 etc.) you may request that your address and certain other identifying information such as your date of birth within your voter registration record be protected from public disclosure. You must submit your request to the Florida Division of Elections or your Supervisor of Elections.

Public Records Exemption Request Form DOS-119

Section 119.071(4)(d)1., Fla. Stat.

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