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Monday - Friday (8:30 am to 5:00 pm)


(904) 823-2238

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Fax: (904) 823-2249

4455 Avenue A, Suite 101

St. Augustine, Florida 32095

Restoration of Civil Rights

What is Voting Restoration - Amendment 4?

Florida voters passed Voting Restoration - Amendment 4 on November 6, 2018.

The amendment restores voting rights to individuals with prior felony convictions who have completed their sentences, including parole and probation requirements. The terms of the constitutional amendment, which went into effect January 8, 2019, exclude anyone convicted of murder or a felony sex offense unless the Governor and Cabinet vote to restore voting rights for those individuals.

The amendment restores voting rights to individuals with prior felony convictions who have completed their sentences, including parole and probation requirements. The terms of the constitutional amendment, which went into effect January 8, 2019, exclude anyone convicted of murder or a felony sex offense unless the Governor and Cabinet vote to restore voting rights for those individuals.

Click below for Standards Governing Eligibility for Voting Rights After a Felony Conviction:

View Standards

Request for Advisory Opinion Regarding Felony Conviction

If a person is still unsure about fines, fees, costs, and restitution, and the impact upon restoration of voting rights, the person can ask for an advisory opinion from the Florida Division of Elections. Please review section 106.23(2), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 1S-2.010 for how to ask for an advisory opinion and what information is required. 

Within 14 days of receiving a request through form DS-DE 500, the Division shall assess whether the form is complete. If the form is not complete, or the Division determines that additional information is needed, the Division shall notify the felon within 14 days of receiving form DS-DE 500 of the specific deficiency or the need for any specific, additional information.

Felon Eligibility Opinion Request Form

Return the Felon Eligibility Opinion Request:

  • By email (as a PDF attachment): [email protected]
  • By mail:
    Office of General Counsel, R.A. Gray Building
    500 South Bronough Street, Suite 100
    Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250

If I am a felon, how do I know if my rights have been restored?

It is up to the individual to know whether they are eligible to complete a voter registration application, including whether they are now eligible to vote under Amendment 4.

Starting on January 8, 2019, certain convicted felons who have completed their sentences, including parole and probation, will have their voting rights automatically restored and will be eligible to register to vote (with the exception of those convicted of murder or sexual offenses).

You may search for your eligibility or apply for your Restoration of Civil Rights through the Florida Office of Executive Clemency:

  • If I was removed from the voter rolls due to a felony conviction, will I automatically be registered to vote?

    No. You must re-register to vote before you can participate in any election. Registrations must be submitted at least 29 days prior to an election in order to be eligible to participate in that election.

  • How do I register to vote?

    In person:

    St Johns County Supervisor of Elections Office

    4455 Avenue A, Suite 101

    St. Augustine, FL 32095

    Hours: Monday - Friday from 8:30AM - 5:00PM


    (requires a Florida Driver License or Florida ID)

    By mail:  

    The statewide voter registration application form is available for download here in English and Spanish.

  • How will the Supervisor of Elections Office handle voter registration applications now?

    The Supervisor of Elections office will accept and process voter registration applications as usual.  It is up to the individual filling out the registration application to ensure the information being supplied, including restoration of voting rights, is accurate. You must re-register to vote before you can participate in any election. Registrations must be submitted at least 29 days prior to an election in order to be eligible to participate in that election.

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