Office Hours

Monday - Friday (8:30 am to 5:00 pm)


(904) 823-2238

Toll Free: (888) 960-2959

Fax: (904) 823-2249

4455 Avenue A, Suite 101

St. Augustine, Florida 32095

Vicky Oakes

St. Johns County Supervisor of Elections

Vicky Oakes is an elections professional with more than 35 years of experience conducting elections in St. Johns County. Vicky has served as the Supervisor of Elections in St. Johns County for the past 12 years, and previously served as the Assistant Supervisor of Elections for 23 years.


Vicky is a State Certified Supervisor of Elections and holds a Master Florida Certified Elections Professional Certification (MFCEP) from the Florida Supervisors of Elections (FSE). Vicky also holds a Certified Elections/Registration Administrator (CERA) certification from The Election Center, a National Association of Election Officials. A hands-on Supervisor of Elections, Vicky has served in almost every position within the Elections Office. Her broad experience provides the knowledge required to lead her staff in all operational aspects and provide quality and cost-effective elections.


During her first term, Vicky brought new programs to the office, including Supervised Voting in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, an expansion of the voter education program, and publication of the annual publication St. Johns Citizens Guide to Registering and Voting. The publication is mailed to all residential mailboxes ahead of each election cycle in order to inform and educate our residents and voters and prepare them for the upcoming elections.


In addition, Vicky launched the Elections Office Tour program to provide St. Johns County voters the opportunity to learn the facts on how elections are conducted locally, get a behind the scenes look, and have all their questions answered. The tours and voter education program have brought hundreds of voters into the Elections Office, building confidence on the security of Florida’s elections.


In 2023, Vicky made the decision to purchase and implement the Clear Ballot Auditing System which allows for 100% audit of election results of every election beginning in 2024. This new process is being implemented as another means to instill voter confidence in our elections processes.


Cybersecurity and the protection of our network and voting assets are critical and remain one of Vicky’s highest priorities. She and the Elections Office staff continue to work with local, state, and federal partners in this endeavor to secure cutting edge technology and ensure St. Johns County Elections remain transparent and secure. Additionally, the safety of staff, election workers, and voters also remains a priority. Enhancements to the Elections Office website continue to allow voters access to all services of the Elections Office, including access from mobile devices.


She is fully committed to conducting safe, secure, accurate, and transparent elections, and to ensuring the right of every voter to cast their ballot and to know that it has been counted accurately. Married to Paul, her husband of 38 years, Vicky is a Florida native who has lived in St. Johns County for 40 years and counts it an honor to serve as your Supervisor of Elections.

A woman wearing a gray jacket and a black and white dress smiles for the camera

Annual Budget

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