Office Hours

Monday - Friday (8:30 am to 5:00 pm)


(904) 823-2238

Toll Free: (888) 960-2959

Fax: (904) 823-2249

4455 Avenue A, Suite 101

St. Augustine, Florida 32095

Public Service | Integrity | Transparency

Petition Method

Petition Method

Candidates may either pay a qualifying fee or choose to run by the petition method. The petition method allows a candidate to obtain a position on the ballot by gathering valid petitions signed by registered voters rather than paying the qualifying fee. In a year of apportionment and redistricting petitions may be signed by any St. Johns County registered voter, regardless of their district, and the number of valid petitions must be at least 1% of the total number of registered voters for the last preceding general election (2020) divided by the total number of districts of the office involved.

  • County Commissioners run countywide and petition requirements are based on countywide voter registration totals.
  • School Board Members are single-member districts and are voted on only by the voters of their district.
  • Special Districts and Community Development Districts petition requirements are uniform and each are required to obtain 25 signatures.
  • Municipal candidates qualify under the provisions of their respective city charters.

County Commission & School Board Candidates

Signatures Required Based on District Dist 1 Dist 2 Dist 3 Dist 4 Dist 5 County
Number of Voters 42,012 42,012 42,012 42,012 42,012 210,059
Signatures Required 421 421 421 421 421 2,101

Pursuant to s. 99.097(4), F.S. payment for verification of signatures on petitions must be made in advance, Contact the Elections Office for details.

Deadline For Submitting Candidate Petitions

Deadline for submitting candidate petitions for verification:

  • Judicial 
  • Noon, March 28, 2022
  • Representative in Congress, Statewide, Multi-County, County, District, and Special District Offices
  • Noon, May 16, 2022
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